Terms of Use


This page (together with our Privacy Policy and any other terms referred to on this page and other terms we may ask you to accept during your use of our platform, including but not limited to game-specific terms. gives you information about GameCMS.ORG (referred to within these Terms as "us", "we", "our") and sets out the legal terms and conditions on which we may provide the following services to our website clients (referred to within these Terms as “you”, “your”):

(1) the provision of a licence to use our CMS "Content Management System", software for Gaming Servers;
(2) the provision of a licence to use our CMS software for Gaming Servers (“GameCMS”);
(3) the provision of certain other ancillary services relating to your use of GameCMS,
(collectively, the “Services”).

1 Information about us

1.1 We are GameCMS.ORG, a registered Limited Company in the UK (Registration No: 15387964). We offer a digital solution for your Gaming Server, allowing you to create your own website using our CMS "Content Management System.

1.2 You may contact us by e-mailing us at [email protected]. If you wish to give us formal notice of anything under these Terms.

1.3 You may see different domains while using our platform. Our platform use the following domain;

  • gamecms.org
  • w-store.org
  • gamecms.app

2 Accepting Terms

2.1 Please read these Terms carefully and make sure that you understand them before using our platform. Please note that before you register in our platform or in any of provided website by us, you will be asked to agree to these terms. If you refuse to accept these Terms, you will not be able to use our platform or any website provided by us.

2.2 We may amend these Terms from time to time as set out in clause 10. Please check this page regularly to ensure that you are familiar with and understand the terms which will apply at that time.

3 Access to our service

You can access our services by registering for our free plan as a website administrator, or by interacting with any website created through our platform.

3.1 You may not attempt to, or interrupt the operations of our platform, this includes, using our services for sending spam messages from our network.

Website Administrators

3.2 We allow you to create your website (“Your Website”), that contains your content.

3.3 Your website plan will have access to the features depending on the "plan" the website is on.

3.4 When you sign up, your website will be set up on our "Free" plan, which never expires.

3.5 When you sign up, your website may receive a free trial of one of our "paid" plans for a specified period of time.

3.6 We reserve the right to accept or refuse any order for purchasing a "plan" at our sole discretion. This may include evaluating the suitability of a user or website for a specific plan, assessing compliance with our terms and conditions, or other factors we deem relevant. We will notify you if your order has been accepted or rejected and will provide an explanation when necessary.

Website users

3.7 When you sign up on any website created through our platform, you will have access to the features that the website administrator has enabled on their website. These features may vary depending on the preferences and customization choices made by the website administrator.

4 How we use your personal information

We only use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please take the time to read our Privacy Policy, as it includes important terms which apply to you.

Responsibilities of Website Administrators

As a website administrator or owner created through our platform, you have certain responsibilities that you need to fulfill. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

4.1 As a website administrator, you must develop and maintain a Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for your website that comply with applicable laws and regulations.

4.2 Informing users about data collection and storage: It is your responsibility to inform users that their privacy data will be stored by our platform. This information is displayed on the registration page by default. Removing this information without providing an alternative means of informing users is not allowed, as it may violate data protection regulations and user expectations. Failure to inform users about data collection and storage may result in penalties or loss of user trust.

Responsibilities of Website Users

These are the users who visit websites created through our platform.

4.3 By using websites created through our platform, you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to read and understand the Terms of Use for each individual website. The websites generated using our platform may have their own distinct Terms of Use that govern their usage.

4.4 We do not mediate disputes between users and website owners, nor does it bear any liability for the consequences resulting from user actions that breach the Terms of Use of a website created through our platform.

4.5 We holds no responsibility or control over the content, policies, or actions of the websites created by users. Each website owner assumes full responsibility for their website's content and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

We strongly recommend that you thoroughly read and familiarize yourself with the Terms of Use of any website you access or use, as they outline the rules and guidelines specific to that website. If you do not agree with any part of a website's Terms of Use, please refrain from using that website and contact the website owner for further information.

5 Cost of our service

5.1 Our platform offers a variety of subscription plans to suit your unique needs:

5.1a Plus Plan: Flexible and convenient, the Plus plan features Pay-Per-Month options with billing periods including monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual choices, providing adaptability to suit changing needs.

5.1b Plus Forever Plan: The Plus Forever plan is our one-time payment option, offering lifetime access to all features. It's designed for those who prefer making a long-term investment to enjoy continuous, uninterrupted service.

5.1c Custom Plan: The Custom Plan is crafted for those who value precision and flexibility. Starting at €1.99 monthly, this plan allows you to select only the features you need, with a minimum of 5 features required to start. This subscription is billed monthly and includes automatic charges to ensure seamless service continuity. You're also granted the ability to adjust your selected features once per month, especially during the final 5 days of the current billing cycle, for optimal customization and control.

5.2 All payments are securely managed by Stripe&PayPal, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction process.

5.3 We reserve the right to adjust subscription prices, with any changes being communicated transparently and taking effect at your next renewal.

5.4 Unsatisfied? Our 14-day refund policy is in place for your peace of mind. Request a refund within 14 days of purchase for prompt processing.

5.5 To maintain uninterrupted service, please renew your plan before its expiration. We'll send reminders as your renewal date approaches.

5.6 Access to various features depends on your chosen plan, enabling you to tailor your website's functionality to your needs.

5.7 Currently, we accept payments in Euros via Stripe&PayPal. We will notify you of any new payment options.

5.8 Currency exchange rates and any related transaction fees are managed by your bank, not us. Additional charges imposed by your bank are outside our control.

5.9 We may suspend or cancel your plan for any reason. If suspension or cancellation is not due to a breach of terms and you've prepaid beyond the suspension or cancellation date, we will issue a prorated refund for the unused portion of your service.

5.12 Special Terms for the Plus Forever Plan

  • Inclusion of Current and Future Plus Plan Features: The Plus Forever Plan offers perpetual access to all the features currently available in our Plus Plan, as well as any future updates, improvements, or additions to the Plus Plan features.

  • Exclusion of Completely New Plans: However, please note that the Plus Forever Plan does not include access to entirely new plans that we may introduce in the future, such as a hypothetical "Plus Extra" plan. If we develop and offer new plans with different features or options, these will not be automatically included in the Plus Forever Plan.

  • Focus on the Plus Plan: The Plus Forever Plan is specifically tied to the Plus Plan. It is designed to provide ongoing access to the Plus Plan's offerings, including any enhancements to its existing features. Any new subscription plans or services introduced separately from the Plus Plan will require a separate subscription or purchase.

6 User Account, Content, and Conduct Guidelines

6.1 As a website administrator, you are responsible for the content on your website. It is your duty to ensure that the content you publish complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and platform policies. You are also accountable for any consequences or disputes that may arise from the content you share on your website.

6.2 As a website administrator, you are responsible for the content generated by your users on your website. It is your duty to monitor and manage user-generated content to ensure it complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and platform policies. You may need to implement appropriate moderation tools and policies to prevent and address any violations, disputes, or negative consequences that may arise from the user-generated content on your website.

6.3 Our platform strictly prohibits the publishing, sharing, or distribution of uncensored content, including but not limited to explicit, offensive, or harmful materials. As a website administrator, you are responsible for ensuring that your website and user-generated content adhere to our content guidelines and policies. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the suspension or termination of your access to our platform and services.

6.3 Your account information must be deemed "confidential", and should not be shared with anyone, except for employees of your organization that is authorized to access your account.

6.4 Your account is your responsibility, any activities on your account will be your responsibility. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for damage and/or loss that may have been the result of any failure by you to keep your account secure.

6.5 Users are strictly required to use our platform for its intended purposes only, which is to manage and administer their Game Dedicated Servers Websites created through our platform. Use of our platform for any other purposes, not directly related to the management of their Game Dedicated Servers Websites, is strictly prohibited. Violation of this term may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to, immediate account termination and possible legal recourse.

7 Depositing money, buying and selling of digital products

Some of the websites created through our platform my offer digital products. The may also have option for depositing money through the website which can be used to purchase virtual products.

Terms for depositing money

Our platform provides two types of balance wallets for users on any website created through our platform. The first type is the 'Paid Balance,' which requires users to deposit funds into their account. The second type is the 'Virtual Balance,' which is controlled and managed by the website administrators. These two wallet options aim to offer flexibility and convenience for both users and website administrators.

7.1 Our platform offers the possibility of depositing funds through which users of the sites can purchase digital goods products.

7.1.1 The 'Virtual Balance' provided on our platform should not be considered as real currency. It is a form of virtual credit or points granted and managed by the website administrators and holds no monetary value outside of the specific website it is associated with. Users should not attempt to exchange, trade, or convert the virtual balance into real currency, as it is strictly intended for use within the website's ecosystem.

7.2 Our platform offers the flexibility to use different payment methods, but we have no control over these individual options. This allows users to choose the most appropriate method for their needs while ensuring a seamless transaction experience.

7.3 Our platform provides users with the option to deposit funds, with a maximum limit of 25.00 in any currency. This limit is in place to ensure responsible use of our platform and services. Users are not allowed to deposit amounts exceeding this limit. We reserve the right to change or modify this deposit limit at any time in our sole discretion.

7.4 Website administrators are not allowed to edit the balance of paid users at any point. T his restriction is in place to ensure fair and transparent use of our platform and services. Any attempt to manipulate or interfere with user balances may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension or termination of the website administrator's account.

7.5 Any deposited balance left unused on inactive websites may be forfeited. It is your responsibility to check with the website administrator to ensure that the game's servers and community are still up and running. Users are encouraged to keep informed of the status of the websites they participate in, as we are not responsible for any losses resulting from inactive websites or suspended services.

7.6 It is the responsibility of website administrators to inform their users when game servers are stopped and no longer supported. Website administrators must notify users that depositing money through the website in such situations may result in the loss of those funds. Failure to communicate this information to users may lead to disputes and dissatisfaction, and we encourage transparency and open communication between website administrators and their users.

Terms of purchase of digital products

7.7 Our platform is not responsible if the product you have purchased from a website through our platform does not match its description. It is the website administrator's responsibility to ensure accurate and truthful product descriptions. Users are encouraged to communicate with website administrators directly regarding any discrepancies or issues with purchased products.

7.8 When you are on the checkout page of a website created through our platform, you have the option to pay the entire amount using your available balance, either paid or virtual. If you do not have sufficient balance to cover the total cost, you will be presented with alternative payment methods on the same page to complete the transaction, without requiring any additional deposits.

7.9 In case you did not receive the items you have pruches from the website you have visted. You should contect the website owner or report the payment method from which the payment was made.If the website owner did not take any action you can report the issue to the payment methods and ask for refund.

Terms of sale of digital products

The rules and responsibilities outlined in this document apply not only to website administrators but also extend to their personnel, including staff members, moderators, and other individuals involved in managing and maintaining the websites created through our platform. It is crucial for website administrators to ensure that their personnel are aware of and adhere to these rules in order to maintain a compliant and well-functioning website.

7.10 Our platform does not provide chargeback protection for sales of digital products on the websites created through our platform. Website administrators and their personnel are responsible for managing and resolving any chargeback disputes that may arise from transactions on their websites. It is essential to establish clear policies and procedures for handling such disputes and to communicate these policies to customers in a transparent manner.

7.11 As a website administrator, it is your responsibility to ensure that the products you are selling are in compliance with all applicable legal terms and third-party terms, such as those of the games or services involved. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in legal consequences or other issues, and we encourage website administrators to thoroughly research and understand their obligations before offering products for sale.

7.12 As a website administrator, it is your responsibility to provide your own policies for returns, cancellations, and for resolving customer disputes. These policies should be clearly communicated to customers and should comply with any applicable legal requirements or third-party terms. Properly managing and addressing customer concerns is crucial in maintaining a positive reputation and fostering trust in your website and the products or services you offer.

7.13 Website administrators must ensure that they add valid commands for their digital products to be executed on game servers upon purchase or files for downloading. This is crucial for providing a seamless experience for customers and maintaining the integrity of the products or services offered. Failing to provide valid commands may lead to customer dissatisfaction, disputes, or potential violations of legal or third-party terms.

7.14 We offer various payment gateways for transaction processing. However, we are not responsible for any issues you may encounter with these service providers.

8 Compatibility with Supported Game Rules

8.1 As a website administrator, it is your responsibility to ensure that your website and its content, including but not limited to digital products, services, and user-generated content, are compatible with the rules and guidelines set forth by the supported games. Failure to comply with these rules may lead to legal consequences, removal of your website from our platform, or other issues. We strongly encourage website administrators to thoroughly research and understand the rules and requirements of the supported games they are associated with and to ensure their website and its offerings are in full compliance with these rules.

9 Our service uptime

9.1 We will make reasonable efforts to keep our platform operational based on "Best Effort". There may be technical difficulties that result in temporary interruptions.

9.2 At no point shall you be entitled to a refund or compensation.

9.3 We are not responsible for issues that are outside our control, this includes, but is not limited to; Natural disasters, DDoS attacks, Issues with a network that is important for our service to function.

9.4 We do not offer any SLA or guarantee for our services to be online.

10 Our right to vary these Terms

10.1 We may update these Terms and the Services provided in connection with any Plan from time to time. Updated Terms and/or Plan descriptions will be published on our site and/or we may notify you via e-mail.

10.2 Please refer to the section at the top of this page to see when these Terms were last updated. By continuing to use our Services after any updates to the Terms, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms.

10.3 If you do not agree to the updated Terms, you have the right to stop using our Services and terminate your subscription. In such cases, please contact our support team for assistance with the termination process.

11 License and Intellectual Property

11.1 All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, and patents, in our platform, its content, and the services we provide are owned by us and/or our licensors. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution, or modification of any intellectual property is strictly prohibited.

11.2 In consideration of the Plan Fees, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use, view, access, download, or print content provided through the Services for the sole purpose of developing and using Your Website during the Plan Period ("License"). When you use, transmit, download, or print any content, you must ensure that all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices comprised within that content are retained.

11.3 You shall not assign or sublicense your rights under the License.

11.4 Where we provide you with access to open source software, you shall comply with the applicable terms in relation to such software.

11.5 Your License does not permit you to:

  1. copy, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any of our source code;
  2. copy, adapt or modify any of our trademarks;
  3. use any of our trademarks other than as provided to you as part of the Services, or authorize or assist anyone else to do so without our express prior written consent.

11.6 By creating, uploading, or sharing content on our platform or any website created through our platform, you represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary rights and permissions to use and distribute the content. You also acknowledge and agree to respect third-party intellectual property rights. Failure to do so may result in legal consequences.

12 Other sites

12.1 When using our platform or websites created through our platform, you may encounter links to other websites. If you choose to click on these links, you do so at your own risk.

12.2 We are not responsible for the content, actions, products, or services of any such linked websites, nor do we endorse or have control over them. We advise users to exercise caution and review the terms and conditions of use and privacy policies of any external websites they visit.

13 Partner Affiliate Links

13.1 Each website owner is eligible for one free or discounted plan per partner, conditional upon the purchase of a product or service from that partner, and in accordance with the terms of the affiliate program.

13.2 We reserve the right to suspend or cancel any plans or services at our discretion for any reason, including, but not limited to, violations of these Terms or misuse of the affiliate link system.

13.3 The specific offers and terms associated with partner affiliate links depend on the agreements and understanding we have with each partner. Availability and conditions of these offers may vary.

13.4 Compliance with all terms and conditions related to the use of affiliate links is essential. As such, both partners and website owners are responsible for adhering to these terms. We monitor for potential abuses, such as the creation of multiple accounts by a single user to unjustly benefit from the affiliate program.

13.5 In instances of misuse, such as exploiting the affiliate system for multiple benefits beyond the stipulated limit, we reserve the right to take necessary actions. These may include account deletion, service suspension, or other appropriate measures.

14 Right to Deactivate Websites

14.1 We reserve the right to deactivate, suspend, or terminate any website created through our platform at our sole discretion, with or without notice, for any reason, including but not limited to violations of our terms and conditions, non-payment, or any activity that compromises the security or integrity of our platform.

14.2 In the event that we deactivate your website, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the reason for the deactivation and provide you with an opportunity to resolve the issue, if applicable. However, we are under no obligation to reactivate your website if we determine that it is in the best interest of our platform and users to keep the site deactivated

15 Fair Use Policy

15.1 Our platform allows you to create an "unlimited" number of elements, including but not limited to digital products, articles, and more, as long as they are necessary and relevant to your website. We ask that you refrain from spamming or creating excessive items that do not serve a legitimate purpose.

15.2 If we think you are excused our limits we will contact you with request to update your plan or to remove some of the content your website has.

15.3 When you fail to comply with our requests, we have the right to remove some of the items, or limit your ability to create new items.